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Festive Distress-tive

The lights are bright and windows filled with all things that sparkle

The party dresses are on display

The sound of hustle and bustle as shoppers trip into stores

Slaves to the lists from children wanting more

Hark! Heads down busily texting

Tweeting, messaging, updating or checking in

Better hurry quick because the chaos will begin...

Hark! Heads down busily texting

A quick selfie, post it, begging for validation as the “gorgeous,” comment appears

Hark! Heads down busily texting

Quick upload that snap of your food or wine

Another message sent, all is fine

Your day is passing, it's a gift, it’s for free

Hark! Heads down busily texting you just do not see.

The night air grows cold as the car parks empty.

The rush home of shoppers who amassed aplenty.

The sparkles have gone out and they’re worse for wear

The streets are a mess, but does anyone care?

Festive Distress-tive what a wonderful time

Festive Distress-tive how I’m glad you’re not mine



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