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I am Suzette Llewellyn-McKenzie. I am natively Welsh, a writer and author living in the Highlands of Scotland. I am a passionate communicator, researcher, mental health advocate and lover of the natural world.

​I aim to project mindfulness in an often mindless world. My poems/writings are my own work 💁🏻‍♀️©️
My vision and mission statement is:
​Visualise / Create / Inspire


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Holly Botanic Tisane

Only tea which comes from the Camelia Sinensis plant qualifies as real tea, so anything herbal and infused is branded a tisane or herbal tea.

I first discovered Holly Botanic's range of tisanes via Instagram and I am super glad I did!

I have tried a number of these artisan teas to date, but the latest iteration, Elderflower and Blueberry, is my favourite so far.

Its subtle blueberry aftertaste is complemented ideally by the invigorating elderflower flavour.

As suggested by the makers, I also added a squeeze of lemon juice into this delicate tisane, which apparently helps leak out vitamin C goodness. 

I would highly recommend this delightful tasting herbal tea. Check out their other flavours too, all designed for the different purpose. Such as the Unwind (Hibiscus & Lemon Balm, Cleanse (Lemongrass and Nettle) and of course Breathe (Elderflower and Blueberry). There are others too, but have not got round to checking them out just yet, but can't wait to.

Suzette McKenzie (19 August 2020).

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