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Hogmanay (New Year's Eve)

The urge to prepare and make ready on New Years Eve

Declutter and cleanse our home and mind

Polish the dust and hoover up old pieces

The clock keeps ticking, the food all prepared

A new year will dawn with new beginnings I believe

A moment to reflect on what’s gone by during last year

Goals and plans that I had hoped to achieve, carry over

A moment to remember those friendships gained and lost

For I remained steadfast and gave all a fair chance

A moment to give thanks and realise that I am ready to move on.

Resolutions, rituals and energy - moving forward

Tinged with a pang of panic mixed with the chaos left behind

A year of 12 months which I have now outgrown

A year of my life that for 12 months I had known

The evening air feels cold as the world countdown begins

So much to do in the little time left

The rush to send texts to near and far

Wishes of prosperity, good health and blessings

The current year fades and banks more life lessons

The TV shows endless repeats and the usual annual review

Highlights and lowlights of news stories gone by

We recall those famous faces we lost on the way

A film preview of blockbusters the headlines all say

But we’ve seen them a million times before, last N’ers Day

The tartan clad dancers, the kilted piper ready

A quick glance at your clock or watch to be sure you’re on time

The cannon confirming to an expectant world, crack open the wine

The happy new year kisses and hugs in full flow

The new night sky lighting up with fireworks, what glow

Happy New Year!



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